Definitely…Twenty seven years of watching Hurtwood’s iconic Christmas shows…all of which I have enjoyed incidentally…might have made me slightly jaded. I don’t think I was, yet ‘Rent’ took the show to another stunning level. Maybe it was because I knew nothing of the show, other than its claim to be a kind of modern ‘La Boheme’; maybe the text itself facilitated a broader display of the considerable and varied talents of the whole school. Or maybe it was the thoughtful way that topics that remain all too contentious in the wider world of our contemporary society were presented thoughtfully, truthfully even, and avoided cheap laughs or patronising cliché. And all in the format of musical theatre I hear you say…. Rah Rah for Hurtwood I say…. The sets, the individual and collective performances, the energy levels, the whole experience, were polished and professional. Surely this is what we do best? Reflecting not only the talent – CONSIDERABLE – or the commitment – COMPREHENSIVE – but most importantly, I think – the inclusive breadth and warmth of our community which is CREATIVE AND COMPASSIONATE… I’ve run out of ‘C’s clearly – so how about you add some thoughts?
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